Breast Cancer in Paradise

Friday, September 26, 2008

New mystery lump...

Yesterday, I had my regular 3-month check up with Dr. Levey -- trying to get things taken care of before my move. He felt a small solid lump near my mastectomy scar & asked if I was aware of it. I was surprised to feel it too since I don't usually do a self-exam there. Since I was moving soon, I was able to get a next day appointment with Dr. Jimenez who only comes on Fridays. He thinks it could be scar tissue, maybe a lymph node, or some calcification. Hopefully it's not a recurrence! If it is, he thinks I might have to do radiation if it's localized. Ugh! Don't want to think about the worst case scenario & having to undergo treatments right after our move to California. Test results may come in late next week & I get to have my sutures removed on Friday (after the movers pick up a few pallets of boxes). Keeping my fingers crossed that it's nothing.

Another update is that I was recently tested for the BRCA 1 & 2 mutation -- test results showed I'm negative for this particular type of inherited form of breast cancer. But this doesn't mean my sisters are off the hook though. Luckily Kaiser approved this test since it costs about $3,000!


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