Breast Cancer in Paradise

Friday, June 06, 2008

Pete's nephew has cancer

Just tonight, I received news from Pete's older brother John who lives in S. Calif. that his oldest son, Eric, was just diagnosed w/Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He had a lump in his arm that got biopsied. He just turned 14 years old this month & was doing so well on his baseball team. We were to drive down from the SF Bay Area to visit them after Father's Day weekend. So we'll take it day by day whether it would still be OK to see them or not. We could either be a good distraction for them or we might just be adding to their stress -- but we'd like to lend them some moral support. I can only imagine how John & his wife Kris are feeling about their child -- it's one thing to hear the diagnosis about yourself, especially as an adult, but to deal with it as a parent or as a child is also very disturbing. Our hearts go out to Eric & his family...

We were supposed to be in the Bay Area again for vacation this month, but it's going to turn out very differently. We'd like to help out John's family while were down there (hopefully we'll still make it). But also Pete recently was offered a teaching position at a private college prep school in San Jose, CA called the Harker School. He had applied as a long shot for an economics teacher, but got a call to fly in for an interview on April 22. They then notified him that he didn't get the position, but the weekend of May 24, he gets a call saying the other person didn't work out & asked if he was still interested in the position! So he accepted & we're uprooting once again & moving to the S. Bay. So during our vacation we'll be scoping out rentals & preschools -- we're really not familiar with the S. Bay/Silicon Valley area. Some friends have already given us referrals, so that'll be helpful.

On May 13, I had an appointment for a genetics counselor to see if I should be tested for the breast cancer gene. Although the likelihood is quite low that I would have the gene, since I don't have another close female relative who has breast cancer, my age at diagnosis was enough to get it approved by Kaiser --after all, the cost is over $3,000! So just to rule it out, I decided it was worth knowing & maybe my sisters would get some more information as well for their own peace of mind. I'm still waiting to see when I'll need to get my blood drawn & then shipped overnight to a lab on the mainland.


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