Breast Cancer in Paradise

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Baldness...A New Sensation

I've been meaning to post something for a while, but haven't had the time to type out my thoughts in a meaningful way for my blog. Now that Kailee's down for a nap, here it goes...

Well, I was hoping my hair would just thin out, not fall out, but I was warned that my type of chemo would affect my hair as well as my nails (started to turn black). Right after my 2nd chemo treatment, my hair started falling out in clumps, clogging the shower drain, getting all over my pillow & the floors. It was a bit distressing to see the tub so covered with my hair, having my hairbrush just rake off my hair and to start seeing bald spots on my scalp. So I made another appointment with Lani on March 30th to shave my head & to style the donated wig I got from the American Cancer Society. Lani said she hoped she wouldn't cry while shaving off my hair! I was touched by her sadness about my situation and tried to be upbeat during the appointment.

So maybe readers of this blog can comment/vote on my new look from the pictures above (unfortunately, I can't figure out how to adjust the picture positions after inserting them) -- so which one looks best on me?
1. The Buddhist Nun
2. The Biker Chick Bandana
3. The Raquel Welch Short Hair Wig Do

Certainly, being bald saves me lots of time in the bathroom. I still wear a swim cap when swimming so I don't have to put sunscreen on my scalp. On Kailee's birthday on May 5th, my sister-in-law Ellen shaved Pete's & Kailee's head in solidarity of my hair loss, so now we're the "Bolo Head Family"!


  • At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think you're beautiful.


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