Good News & Being Thankful
We're finally now living in San Jose, after many weeks of apt hunting during the summer, we moved down here in August before Pete started teaching again. We're renting a nice 2-story townhouse less than a mile from Pete's school & Kailee's preschool. We're happy to feel more settled after getting our pallets of boxes shipped from Hawaii, getting our rental furnished, and even having guests over for dinner & even staying overnight (including Pete's brother visiting from S. California). In the beginning, Kailee was asking why no one visits us -- he's such a social guy.
Just a quick update: I had my breast MRI done on Wed., Dec. 2nd at Kaiser in S. San Francisco. The procedure started on time & went smoothly. They injected me with a dye & I had to wear earplugs & earphones too, due to the very loud clicking & humming from the imaging machine. It was a bit difficult to hold perfectly still face down for nearly 1/2 an hour. Luckily I'm not claustrophobic & tried to relax & tune out the noise. My new oncologist at Kaiser Santa Clara is Dr. Ying Zhu, originally from Beijing & also has an MPH from Harvard. She called tonight that my results came in & they found no abnormalities to be concerned about. YAY!!! What a relief. A mammogram done in June also came out negative, but I wasn't confident about mammograms for me. I asked her if I could skip future mammograms & have an ultrasound instead since I have dense breast tissue & wanted to avoid unnecessary radiation. She thinks mammograms are still useful though. I may consider thermography again though.
I've also brought up the issue whether Tamoxifen was working since I haven't been experiencing typical symptoms like hot flashes. She ordered a blood test to see whether I have a gene mutation which would affect how I metabolize Tamoxifen & it came back negative, so I'm still on Tamoxifen on a daily basis (I guess all the Chinese herbs & other supplements I've been taking are helping with side effects too). I also asked her to test my Vit D level, since there's much more information about how it affects your immune system. It came back very low, 16 ng/mL (normal range is 30-100), so now I'm taking a mega-dose of 50,000 IU once a week. Chemo can lower your Vit D level & so can lack of sun exposure. I haven't gotten any flu shots yet -- so maybe I can avoid getting colds/flues this season by enhancing my immune system in various ways. Keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get hit by a nasty bug! Despite Pete's campus being struck by H1N1 & Kailee surrounded by germy classmates, we've been spared thus far.
Yes, I am very thankful for the many positive things in my life. Two of my new neighbors have lost their wives to cancer, one has 2 young children & the other is a paraplegic. A friend recently lost his father to lung cancer (even though he was a non-smoker). I feel for their loss and emptiness in their lives. As a survivor, we hold onto hope that we'll be one of the "lucky ones". My family & friends keeps me grounded and inspired. Thank you for all your good wishes! May this holiday season be filled with love, hope & happiness to one & all.